Make A Donation

Support Rubicon’s Plant Conservation Efforts in Turkey. In terms of plant diversity Turkey is one of the richest countries, with over 11000 species, 33% of which are endemic to the country.

Your contributions will help our IPANET – Important Plant Areas Volunteer Network - to protect the wild plants and the important sites where they live in Turkey!

Since its establishment the IPANET continues to:

•   Work with volunteers.

•   Hold meetings with different interest groups.

•   Monitor rare plants and their habitats.

•   Share information with different target groups.

•   Support sustainable use and management of nature.

•   Take action for IPAs that need protection.


You may make a direct deposit to Stichting Rubicon's bank account at Rabobank, using our IBAN Number:  NL65 Rabo 0126 1854 09 



IPANET - Volunteer Network for the Important Plant Areas in Turkey

AEWA Conservation Status Report

Conserving wild plants and habitats for people in the South and East Mediterranean (IPA-Med)

Rubicon Foundation
Address  Roghorst 117
6708 KE Wageningen

/ (The) Netherlands
E.Mail  info@rubiconfound...
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